When a review is marked Verified Buyer, it means REVIEWS.io has the additional trust signal necessary to ensure that the review is genuine. Customers reading the reviews can then use this information to help them decide which reviews are more relevant and steer them in their purchasing decisions.
If a review does not have the "Verified Buyer" label next to it, we do not have the additional information from the customer/company to verify that the review was written from the privileged user position. Even though some reviews do not carry the "Verified Buyer" badge, it does not mean that the reviewer has no experience with the company - it just means that we could not confirm a specific purchase. The "Verified Buyer" badge offers one more way to help gauge the quality and relevance of a company review.
If we are unable to automatically verify you as a "Verified Buyer", you can email supporting documents to support@reviews.co.uk so we can investigate and mark your review as "Verified Buyer". We prefer an invoice, delivery note or receipt.
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