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Balcas Energy Reviews

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About Balcas Energy:

Balcas Energy is part of Balcas, a natural leader in the world of timber.
We opened our first sawmill in 1962 and became one of the largest in the UK and Ireland. Our success came from our knowledge of and respect for timber. In our quest to make the most of every precious tree, Balcas Energy was born.

A co-product of our operations is pure sawdust. In 2004, using natural tree resin as a binder, our engineers pioneered the production of high quality wood pellets.

Originally known as brites, our high grade EN plus pellets have since grown to become 50% of our business. In 2016, Balcas purchased the UK’s largest wood pellet distribution company Forever Fuels and in 2019, with growth in mind, rebranded as Balcas Energy. Balcas Energy is proud to employ some of the most experienced biomass experts in the UK and Ireland and thanks to our advanced Combined Heat and Power plant, both of our production sites are self-sufficient.

Balcas Energy’s Invergordon and Enniskillen sites have production capacities of 120,000 tonnes and 60,000 tonnes of wood pellets respectively. Our operations are so efficient that we put surplus electricity back into the grid throughout the year.

Balcas employs over 380 people and an additional 300 are engaged in forest harvesting and haulage on our behalf.

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75 Killadeas Road, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh
BT94 2ES

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Balcas Energy 5 star review on 9th February 2022
Balcas Energy 5 star review on 26th January 2022
Martin O
Balcas Energy 5 star review on 17th January 2022
Balcas Energy 5 star review on 13th January 2022
John F
Balcas Energy 5 star review on 7th November 2017
Carney T
Balcas Energy 5 star review on 21st June 2017
Trevor R
Balcas Energy 5 star review on 23rd April 2017
Ian S
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
The latest pellet order contains oversize pellets. these block the auto feeder closing down the biomass boiler. every time it blocks the feeder outlet or pipe the blockage needs to be manually cleared and the boiler re set.
Helpful Report
(Okehampton) - Posted 8 years ago
We are very sorry to hear about the oversize pellets. We will be contacting you for evidence to confirm the problem (e.g. a photo of a long pellet against a ruler). But assuming that it will be confirmed, we wish you had contacted us as soon as you became aware of the problem. Your delivery was in October. You may have had months of this inconvenience. If you had contacted us and demonstrated that you had oversize pellets, that is a clear non-compliance with our specifications, and we would have organised to remove and replace or refund the delivery. We are very grateful that you chose instead to nurse the load through, but you need not have done. Our sales team will be in touch not only to see if you can provide any evidence (so we can take it up with the manufacturer) but also to discuss what we can do to recognise the inconvenience that this has caused.
Posted 8 years ago
Delivered a ton of pellets to wrong address, we then had to spend an hour looking for our order and when we found it then had to spend another 2 hours driving backwards and forwards with the bags to the correct address as it was blocking a neighbours drive and garage.This is unacceptable and to add to this I emailed your company on Tuesday and have still not had a reply. Mrs.S. Barraclough
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Posted 8 years ago
Delivery postponed twice, with inadequate notice given. Second aborted delivery only unearthed when I rang to ask when to expect the lorry. Third time "lucky" - only arrived with half the quantity ordered, without prior notification or apology. Postponing deliveries happens often with forever fuels. A very unhappy customer.
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Posted 8 years ago
Dear Mr Braidwood, Given the time of year, we are experiencing stretched lead times and like all suppliers are not immune to facing some operational difficulties. We will always endeavour to deliver as soon as possible and sometimes this means reducing the order to get out to you sooner. Kind regards Claire Hoyles Sales and Marketing Manager
Posted 8 years ago
After two successful orders from Forever Fuels, my third order was extremely badly handled and a very stressful experience. With the exception of the delivery driver who did a good job, the service I experienced from Forever Fuels was appalling.
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Posted 8 years ago
Sorry pressed the wrong star. Should have been 5. Excellent, punctual and friendly as usual. RP
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Posted 8 years ago
Our last two orders were for 5 tonnes. Neither orders were fulfilled. Both were short of the 5 tonnes stipulated and agreed by Forever Fuels. The first was 4.75 tonnes and the order delivered two days ago only 3.860 tonnes. Despite emails asking for an explanation nothing has transpired. I look forward to hearing from the MD. Patricia Baber.
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Posted 9 years ago
Hi Patricia, thanks for the catch up yesterday and once again apologies for the inconvenience caused with the smaller deliveries that you have received with regards your last two orders and for the lack of communication at this end, please note future orders will go out as requested and if there are any reasons to change the quantity it will be notified beforehand so that you are always kept up to date. Regards, Paul. Paul Entwistle Business Development Manager Forever Fuels Ltd Direct Line 01628 509696 Mobile 07714 137273 Email paule@forever-fuels.com Website www.forever-fuels.com
Posted 9 years ago
Wont be using Forever Fuels again. My last 2 deliveries have been full of dust which causes constant boiler breakdown. I have never had this problem with other pellet suppliers. I have now called 3 times over several weeks and still waiting for someone to return my call. The same thing happened last time I wished to complain. Poor quality pellets, poor customer service. Be warned.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
Mrs Scarlett, Very shortly after this review was posted I contacted you to discuss some of the issues that you were facing. I wanted to work through those concerns together before I responded on this forum. I checked the call logs for the numbers you would have contacted us on and found one instance where you spoke to one of my colleagues. While I was unable to establish records of the other instances, where you made contact, you have accepted my explanation as to why the information from the logged call was not passed on to the correct member of the Forever Fuels team. Over the past week we worked through a number of your issues. Together we very quickly established, through testing, that the fuel delivered by Forever Fuels was well within ENplus specification. Through phone and email correspondence we continued to work towards determining the possible cause of the breakdown to your system. For the sake of clarity I should say that prior to the delivery you received from us there had been a delivery made by another supplier. It eventually transpired that a residual amount of fuel, in the bottom of your store and transport system, from the previous supplier was the root cause of the issues you have been experiencing. As it currently stands your system is now running entirely on Forever Fuels product and there have been no further breakdowns. As a team we acknowledge the initial contact should have been dealt with more satisfactorily and we appreciate your understanding in the reasoning behind this. Additionally we value your appreciation for how Forever Fuels have worked with you, on these matters, across the past week. Kind Regards, Tim Finlay
Posted 9 years ago
I placed my bulk order online on the 8th November, and received a confirmation email for delivery on the 18th November. The delivery didn't arrive on the 18th, or the 19th. I called at 4pm on the 19th to find out where the delivery was, and was informed it wouldn't be until the 25th. I ran out of pellets on the 22nd, and had to fuel the boiler with limited bag supplys on a daily basis. I was assured that the delivery would arrive on the 25th as confirmed. I made your team aware on numerous occasions that I have a young family/babies, and not having any heating wasn't an option, so the 25th was the absolute latest I could accept a delivery, as my supply of bags was running out fast. I used my last 2 bags of pellets on the night of the 24th, and had turned the heating system down as far as I could to ensure we had heat throughout the night. At approximately midday on the 25th I received a call to inform me I wouldn't be getting my delivery on the 25th due to a lorry issue, and they would try to rearrange a date. I had to re-explain my situation and the issues that had occured, and was then told a delivery would be scheduled for 8am on the 26th. So we had to go a full 24 hours without heat or hot water....which I wasn't at all amused about. Fortunately the delivery arrived mid morning on the 26th, and we are up and running again. I'm disappointed about this entire process and despite having had several conversations with the sdcheduling team and the Area manager for Kent, I'm no clearer as to why this occured. Whilst they have been apologetic, I was surprised that there was no offer to deliver a supply of bags to ensure I didn't run out before the bulk delivery arrived...I have to say that the customer service experience has been very poor. The only positive thing about the whole experience was how pleasant, and understanding the lorry driver was when he arrived to deliver our bulk order.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
Christopher, We would like to apologise again for the delay in getting the delivery out to you. We pride ourselves on providing fantastic customer service and a delivery to match. Regrettably, on this occasion, our service fell short. The delivery was re-scheduled several times because our smallest truck in your area was in for repair. This unfortunately took longer than anticipated. We would have sent the delivery on one of our larger vehicles, but your access requires a small truck. We expect fewer problems like this in future because we are increasing the number of small trucks in the South-East this winter. The extra 4-wheeler for the area should have been here by now, but is unfortunately held up by manufacturers' delays. Our small tankers are in high demand, as there are few others besides ours in the country. Throughout this, the scheduling team kept you updated and in the loop. You requested a call back from an account manager which I duly actioned. I offered my sincerest apologies and outlined the above. I also offered to send you out a pallet of bagged pellets at a reduced cost to keep you going and hopefully go some way towards restoring your faith in us. I am glad that you were pleased with Chris's delivery when he was finally able to get to you.
Posted 9 years ago
Balcas Energy is rated 4.7 based on 1,666 reviews